Saturday, May 14th, 2022

first blog post

Hey look! I remembered this site exists! I should make a habit of actually updating this site regularly.

what took so long?

I have no idea why it took me so long to remember this site existed but hey at least I'm actually updating it now.

what about that overhaul?

it's still coming. in fact I've made a lot of progress on it. A lot of progress that you'll be seeing added in forms to the current site soon. The sidebar on the blog page is actually part of the new version of the site. I just added it to the blog page here as well so you can actually select the various blog posts I'll be making.

Also check out jared it's a very important page imo.

Anyways one of the things I'm working on is the projects page. I also have a few other things in the works but I need to get my server up and running first for them. I won't be storing the main contents of this page on that server due to instability reasons (I can't assure it will be as always online as Neocities) but I do have some non static page elements I need to host there.

Here are some of my plans

well I don't really have much else left to say. Ashi Signing off.