I made this on OS/2 Warp 4

This was hell to setup. Very not fun. But I did it damn it!

Here I even have proof!


OS/2 is actually pretty interesting. Being a non windows OS that actually runs most windows apps!

That's pretty cool!

Now actually getting this setup was a chore in and of itself. MAKE SURE YOU USE 4.52 OR ELSE EVERYTHING WILL GO WRONG.
Also use VirtualBox for best results. I had a ton of issues trying to get it to boot under UTM. Constant crashes and issues. But hey! Once you get it all setup. It works fine from there. You can't really do much in this old OS though. It's fun to poke around at it though.

Anyways that's really it for OS/2 Warp 4. If I have anymore I want to add about this I'll update the page!